Category Archives: Week 5

Learning Syles Questionnaires

TASK: Try the Learning style and VARK self-evaluation questionnaires in the Week5 folder and reflect on your learning style. Based on the results of the quizzes, what is your learning style? is eLearning suitable for you?

This were my VARK questionnaire results.

I couldn’t believe the results, I had always thought that my learning style was more aural and visual. Surprisingly to me, the result in the other quiz wasn’t very different. So, over the weekend I tried to monitor myself in order to become aware of how kinesthetic I was and I could see that I do prefer doing an activity than listening to instructions or watching a demo. I also read this article Excuse Me, You’re Cramping My Style: Kinesthetics for the Classroom by Richard Gage published in The English Journal , Vol. 84, No. 8, Multiple Intelligences (Dec., 1995), pp. 52-55  which describes some teaching strategies for kinesthetic learners.

Perhaps e-learning is not very suitable for my learning style because online tasks tend to involve more written and visual materials. However, nowadays there are many tools like flash animations or websites like second life which could be used to give the learner the feeling that they are actually doing an activity. As e-materials designers and educator it is important to understand how others learn to make informed decisions on the type of tasks and materials that should be included to cater for different learning styles.

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Posted by on August 24, 2012 in Week 5